hello again.

hello hello hello.  Wow, I've been on quite the little blogging hiatus.  And I've truly missed it.  Why did I take a break?  Life.  ha!  Yep, things got busy and well some things had to give.  And I'm sad to say that my little blog took a back seat.  But I'm backity back and feeling so great about it.  I started this blog as a creative outlet and a way to share my inspirations.  So it has definitely felt weird to not really have this little space to write and share my thoughts, but here I am.  So, stay tuned for some fun new features.  And as you can see, not only has the blog taken on a new look, but it is now a part of a new modern sequins website.  Yep, new things are happening around here and I thought it was about time to make this little space into an actual site.  And I have to give a big huge thank you to Kelly Curran for creating the new logo and entire look of this new site.  She was a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend her services. thanks Kelly.

Excited to share some new modern sequins projects with you in the near future.  Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. xoxo.